Display the SAFC I Logo

    FCRA Certified | SAFC-I

    Copy and Paste this code into your page. There are no downloads required. Your page will grab the logo off of our servers.
    If you place a link on your website, please let us know and we'll be glad to link back to yours. Just send an e-mail to Jgerber@ncrainc.org with your logo file. Logos should be no larger than 250x250.

    You may also use the high resolution formats provided below for use on your letterhead and other print pieces:


    NCRA Hi-Res Logo

    JPG (119K) | TIF (2.86MB)
    Right-click to download.

    Black & White:

    NCRA Logo Black and White

    JPG (93K) | TIF (976K)
    Right-click to download.